I also brought him to the pediatrician's on Friday for his 4 month check up. He is getting to be a big boy! He's 15 pounds 9 ounces and 25 inches long! I can't believe sometimes that he's the same little boy that I brought home from the hospital. He got 4 shots while we are at the doctor's. The poor little guy. He did really well though. He cried for a couple of minutes and then was fine. He wasn't even fussy the rest of the day.
Our pediatrician, Kristy, told me that we could start him on some rice cereal since he seems to be getting hungry more often lately. So on Sunday I gave him his first taste of rice cereal. He was so funny! I don't think he knew what to think of it at first but then he got right into it.
Finally, Ben turned 18 weeks today. I don't have any pictures yet but here's a video I took today.