We took him to my in laws house first. He was fascinated with all the Halloween decorations they had up. My mother in law had lined up Halloween baskets like the one Ben had up and down the driveway. Ben kept picking them up and often would be carrying 2 or 3 baskets at a time. We went to two or three houses on their street. Every time we brought him to a house we'd hear "Oh, he's so cute!" At one house, I heard the man inside say to his wife "You've got to see this one!" After the first house or two, Ben started making the connection that people were going to give him stuff to put in his basket. He was really getting into it. We didn't spend too much time trick or treating outside. It was starting to get cold and Ben's asthma has really been acting up this last week. He started coughing and I just wasn't comfortable with him staying outside for a long time.
We ended up heading the mall since it's inside and nice and warm. There were a lot of people there but it wasn't unbearable. Ben wasn't afraid to go up to anyone at the stores and soon started holding up his basket for them. He was so funny. A couple of times he sat down on the floor in the mall and started trying to dig into his basket. He wanted his treats right away! They were having a costume contest while we were there. They showed the kids in Ben's age range. They were cute and I know I'm prejudice but I think Ben would have still won. :)
We left there around 6:30 and just made one more stop at our neighbor's house. They were so happy to see them and spoiled him rotten with candy. He did get to have a few pieces when he got home. I honestly don't let him have a lot of stuff with sugar or chocolate in it so the basket is probably going to disappear since he's had several pieces yesterday and today. Oh well. He'll never remember.
All in all we had a great night. It was just so fun to see him get into his first Halloween. I can't believe that next year we'll have two to take trick or treating! Hope everyone had a great Halloween. Enjoy the pictures!